A Realtor With a Difference

After Graduation was a little sceptical and irritated about sending out my CV, just the idea of leaving someone who knew nothing about me or my potentials to be the judge of if I was good enough or not just didn't go down well with me.

I remember my dreams and visions when I was a young lad, i have passion for investment (To be Self Employed) and I joined Real Estate Firm (Arc View Investment Ltd) to have an experience for 3 years. Now am doing what I love.

Was going through my normal routine of browsing the net and found an article titled " Lekki Phase1 versus Ibeju Lekki" and I began to ponder on it and started to compare both and to my amazement the Holy Spirit started to shed light on it. Both are at different stages of their life-cycle Lekki phase 1, I figured should be sum where between Maturity, Developed and Saturation and unlike other products that start to decline land doesn't decline except in extreme harsh situations  like wars, Distress Sales, a high level of insecurity or an uncontrolled epidemic but it can sustain that price or go a little higher for a period of time at least till innovation happens and at this level, risk is at its lowest very safe for investors but we know that the safer an investment the lower the returns.

While the Ibeju Lekki is at the birth stage of its life cycle with a promise to approach its maturity stage with the help of both the public and the private sector, too much risk and with a promise of a great venture if all its risks are properly handled. I liken it to a firm with great potentials to succeed offering its IPO it takes the bold to invest or harness such potential.

In all my long story am just saying that if you want so much returns on your investment now is the time to invest in ibeju Lekki in acres!

Contact Huios Realtors if you are interested call 08063454724.


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